Ecrox Governance and Development

Ecrox has made significant strides towards decentralization and aims to achieve full community control in the future. Currently, its governance is divided among the following entities:

  1. Network Validators: Ecrox validators play a pivotal role in deciding whether to adopt Ecrox Improvement Proposals (FIPs). Presently, each validator holds one vote, irrespective of their share of the overall network stake. However, there are plans to revise this voting system soon.

  2. Ecrox Foundation and Project Team: At this initial development stage, the Ecrox Foundation, managed by the Gibraltar-incorporated company Ecrox Limited, oversees the core network protocol and the Ecrox treasury, primarily composed of undistributed genesis ECROX supply. The Ecrox Foundation employs the project team, whose profiles can be found here.

The project team is responsible for implementing network protocol updates adopted by validators, managing other protocol changes not requiring validator votes, maintaining full node software, developing mobile-centric infrastructure for token communities, enhancing network adoption through technological advancements, partnerships, ecosystem onboarding, and marketing efforts within the crypto space and beyond.

It's important to note that, being a decentralized public blockchain, no permission from the project team is necessary for integration or development on Ecrox, including network and node software development.

  1. Ecrox Assembly: Detailed information about the Ecrox Assembly can be found on the Assembly page for those interested.

Overall, Ecrox is on a path towards increased decentralization and community-driven governance, fostering transparency, participation, and inclusivity within its ecosystem.

Last updated